Epiphany Catholic School emblem


Junior High Clubs for the 2023 - 2024 School Year

Debate: Mrs. Ana Gallegos, Moderator /This club will introduce students to the basics of debate and assist them in enhancing discourse skills through club presentations.

Social Etiquette: Mrs. Monica Socarrás, Moderator / This club will introduce students to conventional of etiquette and traditional dance skills to help them be well socially-integrated.

Faith in Action: Mrs. Marisol Bosque, Moderator / This club will allow students to participate in charity projects such preparing sandwiches for the homeless, making rosaries and other outreach activities that give witness of loving Christian faith.   

Cooking: Mrs. Mariela Cacciotti, Moderator / This club will introduce students to nutritious smoothies, salads, no bake recipes, and cooking demonstrations.

Yearbook: Mrs. Monica Cobas, Moderator /This club will introduce students to the basic functions of putting together a yearbook and allow them to collaborate in the production of the school yearbook.

National Junior Honor Society : The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship and helps middle-level students develop the knowledge and skills to become well-rounded student leaders in their school, community, and beyond. Eligibility for membership is open to students in the 7th and 8th grade. To read the Chapter Bylaws of Epiphany Catholic School click here.

Club Upcoming Events


Images coming soon.

Upcoming Events

Kings Holiday Marketplace


Come and shop for the holidays as we host our First Annual Kings Holiday Marketplace.

Event will take place in our school Gymnasium.


Please contact ecsevents@epiphanykings.com for more information.

No School-Thanksgiving Holiday


No School 11/25/2024-11/29/2024